Anthea's Website

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1. Utah Beach, Normandy‏
2. Utah Beach, Normandy‏

3. Utah Beach, Normandy‏ 4. Utah Beach, Normandy‏
5. Utah Beach, Normandy‏ 6. Utah Beach - Jasper May 2016

7.Utah Beach - Jasper May 2016

8. Utah Beach - Jasper May 2016


9. The dummy figure and parachute silk are reminders of what happened in June 1944. They must have been renewed over the past 72 years.
10. American paratrooper of Sainte Mere Eglise Church
11. The tower of Sainte Mere Eglise Church 12. The tower of Sainte Mere Eglise Church
13. Our ferry, the Barfleur. Large car ferry. It sails between Cherbourg, Normandy to Poole in Dorset. Four hours ten minutes.‏ 14. Our ferry, the Barfleur.

Last Modified : 02/19/20 04:30 AM 

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